domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015


Well this year was a doozy, started by leaving my job, getting my life upside down, moving to a new city, regretting life choices, getting new friends and hoobys and trying to mature in the midst of a urban jungle.

If someone would have told me my future last year I would say they were full of bullshit, that I was good where I was and that if something was gonna change it was only my job, but fate likes to play with people and make the most unpredictable things come true.

In my time in Lisbon I have come to like some people and make others hate me with a passion but I have always taken a lesson from each of the experiences I came across and at the end of the day I guess that's what really matters.

I have found new passions, forsaken older ones and reinvented myself both physically and mentally, physical by bulking up about 10 kilos of mostly muscle and recently gaining a pair of them due to the feasts of this time of year and mentally by realizing that I must accept that some people will simply not like me and that I only should be myself and stop giving a fuck about everyone and everything, leave my efforts to those who return those efforts instead of just sucking up to people who only are gonna take those things for granted.

It has been a crazy storm of a year and the next doesn't seem less revolutionary but all I need to do is face one thing at a time and try to not forsake who I am along the way.

The path of the brave is full of obstacles.

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